The Lord's Prayer - Africa
Peter Chirwa, Salima, Malawi
When you pray the Lord’s Prayer:
What appeals to you about this prayer? What do you like about it?
It's a sample prayer showing how prayers should be approached, the possible attitudes and humility required from praying person.It touches on man as sinner and God as Forgiver, Man as in need and God as Provider, Gods Holiness and Mans wickedness, and shows God being available to us equivalent to the level we make ourselves available to other people.
Are there any words, phrases or ‘ideas’ within the prayer that have particular significance to you?
1. “forgive our tress passes as we forgive those who wrong against us” this has significant meaning as to the value of our relationship with other people before God such that if we are hard on others we may not benefit from God's kindness, otherwise, the way we treat others God will treat us the same.
2. “thy kingdom come, as it is in heaven so be it on earth” this may mean we are living outside the Kingdom of God which needs to be requested for during this time on earth. And it ascertains that Satan's Kingdom is at work presently and thus if we are to benefit from Gods work, we must seek his Kingdom first otherwise hell will rule on us.
The prayer asks God for things that we need, for example that the kingdom might come and that we might be forgiven. Of the things the Lord’s Prayer asks for which one do you think the world needs most at this time?
The Kingdom of God must come first.
Do you pray the prayer in another language?
Atate wathu wa kumwamba
Dzina lanu liyeletsedwe
Kufuna Kwanu Kuchitidwe
Ufumu wanu udze,Monga Kumwamba, chomwecho PansiPano
Mutipatse ife lero, Chakudya Chathu Chalero
Mutikhululukire ife zochimwa Zathu
Monga ifenso tiwakhululukira otichimwira
Musatitengere kokatiyesa, komwa mutipulumutse kuzoipa
Pakuti wanu ndi Ufumu, ndi Mphamvu andi Ulemelero, Kunthawi zosatha
When you pray the Lord’s Prayer:
What appeals to you about this prayer? What do you like about it?
It's a sample prayer showing how prayers should be approached, the possible attitudes and humility required from praying person.It touches on man as sinner and God as Forgiver, Man as in need and God as Provider, Gods Holiness and Mans wickedness, and shows God being available to us equivalent to the level we make ourselves available to other people.
Are there any words, phrases or ‘ideas’ within the prayer that have particular significance to you?
1. “forgive our tress passes as we forgive those who wrong against us” this has significant meaning as to the value of our relationship with other people before God such that if we are hard on others we may not benefit from God's kindness, otherwise, the way we treat others God will treat us the same.
2. “thy kingdom come, as it is in heaven so be it on earth” this may mean we are living outside the Kingdom of God which needs to be requested for during this time on earth. And it ascertains that Satan's Kingdom is at work presently and thus if we are to benefit from Gods work, we must seek his Kingdom first otherwise hell will rule on us.
The prayer asks God for things that we need, for example that the kingdom might come and that we might be forgiven. Of the things the Lord’s Prayer asks for which one do you think the world needs most at this time?
The Kingdom of God must come first.
Do you pray the prayer in another language?
Atate wathu wa kumwamba
Dzina lanu liyeletsedwe
Kufuna Kwanu Kuchitidwe
Ufumu wanu udze,Monga Kumwamba, chomwecho PansiPano
Mutipatse ife lero, Chakudya Chathu Chalero
Mutikhululukire ife zochimwa Zathu
Monga ifenso tiwakhululukira otichimwira
Musatitengere kokatiyesa, komwa mutipulumutse kuzoipa
Pakuti wanu ndi Ufumu, ndi Mphamvu andi Ulemelero, Kunthawi zosatha
Do you pray the prayer in another language?
Onse Vader wat in die hemele is,
laat u naam geheilig word.
Laat u koninkryk kom,
laat u wil geskied,
soos in die hemel net so ook op die aarde.
Gee ons vandag ons daaglikse brood,
en vergeef ons ons skulde,
soos ons ook ons skuldenaars vergewe.
En lei ons nie in versoeking nie,
maar verlos ons van die bose.
Onse Vader wat in die hemele is,
laat u naam geheilig word.
Laat u koninkryk kom,
laat u wil geskied,
soos in die hemel net so ook op die aarde.
Gee ons vandag ons daaglikse brood,
en vergeef ons ons skulde,
soos ons ook ons skuldenaars vergewe.
En lei ons nie in versoeking nie,
maar verlos ons van die bose.
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